12V/0 Switch 5-2300Mhz 2 in /1 out 12V
Switch Terminal 12 - 18 Volts for satellite signal...
Emesse Optical 2-way TAP 70/30
Type: 1x2Coupling Ratio: 30/70Return loss (dB):> 55Insertion loss (dB) = 6.3 / = 2.1..
Hyro Splitter 2-Way
- Hyro Splitter - 1in / 2utF-connectors5-2400MHzPower Pass functionCEAppearance may vary due to different supplier..
Hyro Splitter 3-Way 5-2400Mhz
- Hyro Splitter - 1in / 3utF contacts5-2400MHzPower Pass functionCESpecification: GS01-03 Frequency range Insertion loss Isolation Ret..
Hyro Splitter 4-Way 5-2400Mhz
- Hyro Splitter - 1in / 4utF contacts5-2400MHzPower Pass functionCESpecification: GS01-04 Frequency range Insertion loss Isolation Ret..
Invacom Fiber 2-Way Splitter
Used in the fiber optic industry for many years, these splitters are designed to share equally the optical signal generated by FibreMDU and FibreIRS systems. They are passive, double window (1310 ..
Invacom Fiber 3-Way Splitter
Compact Optical SplittersUsed in the fiber optic industry for many years, these splitters are designed to share equally the optical signal generated by FibreMDU and FibreIRS systems. They are pa..
Invacom Fiber 4-Vägs splitter
Fins i 2,3,4 och 8 sätt version kompakt design1m FC / PC Pigtail anslutningarAnvänds i fiberoptiska industrin i många år, är dessa splitters utformats för att dela lika den optiska signalen s..
Invacom Fiber 8-Way Splitter
Compact Optical SplittersUsed in the fiber optic industry for many years, these splitters are designed to share equally the optical signal generated by FibreMDU and FibreIRS systems. They are pass..
4in / 4out + 4 tap active tap for distribution satellite signals from 1 satellite position (4 polarities) to more cascade systems.Recommended as an extension module carrying signals from the next ..
Specifikation: 4in/8ut passiv splitter för distribution av satellitsignaler från 1 satellitposition (4 polariteter). Rekommenderas som utbyggnadsmodul för distribution av signaler frå..
5in / 10out passive splitter for distribution terrestrial and satellite signals from a satellite position (4 polarities). Specifications of T5/10PNP-3 v12 Frequency rang..